Summer and rabbits – how to eliminate heat stress?

This year, we are experiencing several very hot days. High temperatures have a negative effect on our rabbits, as they suffer thermal stress. There are several recommendations for eliminating this adverse effect and keeping animals in a good state of health.

The optimal temperature for a healthy adult rabbit ranges between 15 and 17°C. Rabbits can regulate their body temperature without major problems in environments with ambient temperature between 5 and 22°C. The use of thermoregulation systems allowing rabbits to cool down (in warmer environments) or warm up (in cooler environments) is essential at higher or lower temperatures. In view of the natural survival strategy, rabbits are more capable of tolerating lower rather than higher temperatures. As rabbits cannot sweat effectively, their thermoregulation options during the summer period are limited. The following examples of eliminating the impact of heat stress from practice may be recommended.

  • Location of rabbit hutches

Outdoor rabbit hutches are best placed in permanent shade (for example under a large tree, under an overhanging roof, etc.) whenever possible. If the specific breeding and spatial conditions allow for this, the front of a rabbit hutch should face east to south-east. In this case, rabbits are only directly exposed to the moderate morning sunlight. The use of old farming buildings (sheds) with a large volume of air and the tendency to maintain relatively stable microclimate appears to be ideal for these purposes.

  • Insulating material in rabbit hutch roof

The use of an insulating material between the hutch roof and the ceiling of the top pens should not be underestimated when building an outdoor rabbit hutch. Adequately installed glass wool or a sufficient layer of polystyrene have been proven effective. This reduces the amount of heat permeating through the roof (often unfortunately made of sheet metal, which heats up fast) to the pens.

  • More frequent cleaning in pens with solid floor

When solid floors with bedding material are used in pens, the used bedding material is gradually accumulated. If the frequency of cleaning in pens during the summer period is insufficient, the bedding material heats up spontaneously and rabbits are threatened not only by heat from the ambient air, but also from the floor. More frequent cleaning in pens (once a week) is therefore suitable during summer. This will also provide a cleaner environment for rabbits (especially light-colored breeds).

  • Reproductive rest

Pregnant does and does after delivery have a higher metabolic rate and therefore are more susceptible to the effects of heat stress (among other factors). Pairing rabbits during this period is therefore not recommended. In addition, does do not conceive easily in summer.

  • Installation of the so-called landings

The so-called landings are excellent and inexpensive prevention of thermal stress. These are boards approximately 15-25 cm wide (depending on the breed), installed approximately 20 cm above the floor in the rear part of the pen. Rabbits like to use these for relaxation and cooling. Landings may be solid or perforated.

  • Air moistening

Air temperature and moisture are inseparable factors that work concurrently. During hot summer days, when the air moisture is lower (approx. 40-50%), thorough spraying of the space in front of rabbit hutches with water twice to three times a day has proven to be effective. Water has a cooling effect as it evaporates.


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Valentýnská soutěž pro všechny milovníky zvířátek je tu!

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